#GIRLBOSS is an in-depth look into Sophia Amoruso's life & journey (creator of nastygal.com) as well as being a systematic and humour-filled pep talk to get you thinking about where
you want to go in life. From the clear voice of Amoruso to the stories that live as examples of the advice she lists, the book touches on subjects that you don't expect. #GIRLBOSS is about inspiration, working hard and never giving up.
One of the greatest things about the book is that in order to learn about Sophia, you begin to learn about yourself. Every chapter helps you question parts of your identity and the journey that you choose to go on. We're in a generation of women that have the opportunity to make a name for ourselves and with the use of the internet and other outlets, there's chances that our creativity will reap legitimate rewards. #GIRLBOSS isn't exactly a manual on how to do that (Sophia says so at the very beginning) but it's instead a retelling of how she did that, with a list of thoughts on what exactly 'that' was and whether or not you should consider giving it a shot.
#GIRLBOSS is not just for the girl that isn't afraid to dream but also for the one that is. This book is about realizing that there's endless possibilities behind loving who you are, being uniquely yourself and not for a second letting anyone get in the way of that. Sophia reminds the reader over and over again that the biggest key to unlocking success is throwing away the ideal that says you have to be just like everyone else.
With one part humour, one part intellect and two parts inspiration, #GIRLBOSS is the perfect recipe for a page-turner.
x Jenn