Hello Weekenders
I hope you've all had a lovely holiday. It's great to be back, I've missed you all! Every January people all over the world make a list of their New Year's Resolutions — myself included — but this year I came across a thought that I'd like to share. 2015 can be the year that you accomplish ____ or face ____ but what's most important is that you go at your own pace. Don't try to rush it, okay? You've got the entire year and even if you alter something small each day or once a week, by the end of 2015 it'll amount to so much. I think it's so easy to get caught up in living a different, "perfect" life by the end of the first week in January and when we realize that things can't change overnight we become disheartened. Here's to taking things one step at a time; here's to a great year full of new memories, challenges and goals!